Handmade Soap
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handmade soap
2017-04-18 18:04:00 UTC
Over the years we have developed a goat's coconut milk soap ultra-rich, incredibly moisturizing, and generally wonderful Goat and Coconut Milk with Honey and Oatmeal Soap was created to moisturize and smooth your skin to perfection. Choose from over fifty variety's of soap, all handmade and all natural.

more of our goat's milk here
Many people are still washing their skin with soap made with water. Switching to soap made with goat milk can truly benefit your skin's health. Goat milk soap is wonderful for people with dry or sensitive skin, or conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also perfect for healthy skin that wants to stay that way. Unprocessed goat milk fresh from the farm contains many benefits. Alpha Hydroxy Acids. Goat milk contains alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid which help remove dead skin cells from your skin's surface


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2020-01-30 00:22:32 UTC
Goat's Milk soap all natural from https://www.naturalhandcraftedsoapcompany.com
2020-02-13 14:56:03 UTC
Soap like Grandma used to make, only better! You'll find us making handmade soap on www.naturalhandcraftedsoap.com